Home & Office Disinfection Services
The CDC recommends that homes and offices be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Is that enough to get rid of the virus? The recent news about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic provides numerous reasons to be concerned. One of them should not be returning to your home or office. V & W Cleaning is Arizona’s premier cleaning service, with years of cleaning and disinfecting experience. We provide a high-touch, thorough disinfection and sanitization service to keep your home or office safe for your family and coworkers.
Regular maintenance can be difficult, especially with all of the new responsibilities we as a society are taking on to combat the pandemic. However, regular deep cleaning and sanitization can help eliminate the majority of contagions. V & W Cleaning offers a disinfection service tailored to your specific needs.
Disinfection Service
According to the CDC, cleaning visibly dirty surfaces followed by disinfection is the best practise for preventing the spread of COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses in public places.
COVID-19 spreads via respiratory droplets and contact with infected surfaces. The coronavirus can potentially survive for days on those hard surfaces. Because COVID-19 can survive for several days, potentially contaminated areas should be cleaned with coronavirus-killing products before re-use.
V & W Cleaning has completed over 20,000 cleanings for commercial and residential spaces, including anti-viral and deep cleanings. As a result, we are experts in the most effective and safest methods of disinfecting and sanitising any home or office. You have the right to know that the bacteria and viruses in your environment have been eradicated. Regular cleaning and disinfecting without sprayers/foggers (tools used to disinfect large areas) will inevitably miss places where viruses and other germs can hide.

A thorough disinfection service is an important addition to routine cleaning.
These higher-level disinfection steps are one of the most effective ways to ensure that employees can safely return to work while also protecting loved ones from the spread of COVID-19.

How Does Our Disinfection Service Work?
V & W Cleaning has a two-step process for cleaning and disinfecting the coronavirus that is based on the CDC’s guidelines. The first step is to clean any visible dust, debris, or dirt from flat surfaces and high-touch areas such as door handles, light switches, and horizontal flat surfaces. After the area has been thoroughly cleaned, disinfecting can begin. V & W Cleaning will use EPA-approved disinfecting products to electrostatically spray, fog, or CLO2 treat the area in question. Because we use a plant-based botanical disinfectant that has been approved for use in hospitals and around food, the area will be safe to return to within 10-15 minutes of the service being completed.
Sterilization Services
In addition to our standard cleaning and sanitization services, we offer two levels of disinfection. These cleaning and disinfection services are tailored to each situation and requirement. Which is best for your space will be determined by the amount of exposure and comfort.
Deep cleaning with light Sterilization
For areas where there are no known or suspected exposures and there is only a minor need for disinfection products. Our standard deep cleaning with sterilisation is ideal for ensuring the safety of the space. This is a thorough cleaning followed by light sterilisation using standard cleaning products. This will remove all dirt and debris, paying special attention to high-touch surfaces such as doors, light switches, and flat surfaces that could harbour the virus. This is ideal for providing peace of mind to your office staff when they return from a work-at-home hiatus. This level of cleaning is ideal for the most common scenario in which there have been no recent COVID-19 exposures.
Cleaning with Spray/Fog Disinfection
The ideal level of cleaning and disinfection for homes and offices that may have been exposed to COVID-19. With this level of service, we will clean the area thoroughly, including sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming, as well as manually disinfecting high touch areas such as doors, light switches, and other hard surfaces, followed by an electrostatic disinfection spray, or fogging. This disinfection spray has been approved by the EPA for use in hospitals and foodservice areas while still killing 99.9999 percent of germs and viruses, including coronavirus. Within 10-15 minutes of the service being completed, the area will be safe to return to. This service typically takes one hour per 1,000 SQFT of space, but total treatment time will vary depending on the space.
V & W Cleaning is committed to keeping your community safe through the use of EPA-approved products and thorough cleaning, regardless of the level of cleaning and disinfecting you select.
About Our Disinfectant
Noroxycliff is a plant-based botanical EPA-approved disinfectant. This disinfectant is a 6-log disinfectant that kills 99.9999 percent of germs, viruses, and bacteria.
Professionals in the field of disinfection are generally concerned with the percentage of germs killed by a particular process or disinfectant. The maximum percentage given is 99.9999 percent, also known as a 6-log. Lysol wipes, for example, are classified as a 4-log.
Our disinfectant is approved for use in hospitals, including intensive care units and operating rooms, as well as in food-contact areas. That is, while we are sanitising with one of the most potent disinfectants, we are also protecting our family.