Is Hiring a Cleaning Service Worth It

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If you’ve ever considered whether or not to hire a cleaning service, the answer is nearly self-evident. Who wouldn’t want someone to come inside the home or flat and clean it? Naturally, you should.

However, cleaning services are not inexpensive. According to business data, Angie’s List customers spend between $120 and $150 for biweekly house cleanings.

Again, it’s self-evident that a cleaning team would be beneficial, but should you hire one? Is it worth the investment? Consider the following reasons why you should consider obtaining expert assistance to help you clean up your life.

It May Help Alleviate The Stress Caused By Your Family

Perhaps your spouse is a neat freak who is constantly moaning about your sloppy behavior. Or maybe your in-laws pay frequent visits, and you believe a cleaning service would help alleviate the catty remarks.

As part of a family matter, Meghann Timmins, 24, a public relations professional based in Atlanta, engaged in cleaning services.

Six months ago, her parents paid a visit, and while she was delighted to have them, she began to worry; she had been gone for the weekend and had become overwhelmed with work.

“I was anxious for someone to come clean to their unrealistic standards,” says Timmins, who discovered a low-cost yet effective service through the Handy app.

The cleaning team charged Timmins and her roommate $85 to clean her two-bedroom townhouse, and because they were splitting the cost, they thought it was worth it to have the cleaners come every four weeks.

“They take the time to clean items that I am not responsible for and that my other roommate is unaware of. It is well worth the money and saves us a great deal of time, ” Timmins asserts.

It May Help Alleviate Self-Inflicted Stress

Maybe you are the one who is criticizing yourself. Perhaps your family is not chastising you for your unkempt home as well as I’d prefer to find out cleaning service near me.

Graeme Seabrook, a vacation rental manager in Charleston, South Carolina, claims she engaged in a cleaning service following the birth of her baby.

“My time is more valuable to me than the service’s cost. I had also experienced postpartum depression and anxiety after the birth of my son, and we were looking for ways to make the transition to a family of four easier. “Seabrook, who now blogs on maternal mental health, makes this point.

The $125 she spends every other week is well worth it to her. “I now have all of the time I spent cleaning, feeling terrible for not cleaning, worried about how bad my house looked, and wondering about how we would get everything done,” Seabrook says.

You Despise Housework.

While few individuals would choose to vacuum over going to the beach, some claim to like particular jobs, such as folding laundry while watching television or vacuuming while daydreaming. Others, on the other hand, cannot convince themselves that cleaning is anything but a grind.

Dana Todd, a Chicago CEO, seemed to hesitate between apathy and contempt.

“I despise housework,” Todd admits. “I’m not opposed to keeping the house nice, but scrubbing and performing detail work would take me an entire day due to my inefficiency.”

Cleaning Would Cost You Money.

Todd has done the calculations and believes that paying for a house cleaner will net her a profit.”When I was first entering the workforce, one of my female friends discussed the concept of opportunity cost about the expense of hiring a cleaner vs doing it myself. She requested me to perform a basic assessment of the time required and my hourly rate based on my salary vs the cost of employing a professional, “Todd asserts.

In other words, if your hourly wage is $100. If it takes you five hours to clean your house, you are effectively spending $500. Alternatively, you might spend $150 on a two-person cleaning staff that will complete the same task, if not better, in two hours.

However, if you earn $10 an hour and it takes you five hours to clean your home, you are effectively spending $50 to clean your home for five hours, and you may conclude that spending $150 on a cleaning service is not a good deal – even if you are equally time-pressed as the person earning $100 an hour.

You Are Not an Utter Slob

It may seem contradictory, but for a cleaning service to work effectively and receive the most value for your money, you must make an effort to maintain a clean environment. Many people get confused whenever they think is hiring a cleaning service worth it.

Now, if you fully embrace your inner Oscar Madison, you run the risk of undermining the cleaning service for which you are paying. If you leave a mess on the floor, your cleaning crew will fail to vacuum or mop it, or they will pick it all up, which takes time – time you are paying for. However, many cleaning firms need clients to perform some pre-cleaning before their arrival. That may sound irrational, but it is rational.

Another way to think about it is that if you’re spending $150 to have many rooms, or even all of the rooms, in your house cleaned, dusted, and vacuumed, you probably don’t want a third of the time spent on your dirty dishes.

Of course, there are additional methods to undermine your cleaning service and make it less cost-effective. Amy Bates, who operates a Merry Maids business in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and blogs at, has seen her share of beginner blunders.

For example, if you have an aggressive canine who enjoys chasing the cleaning crew around, Bates proposes having the team come on grooming day.

What to Ask Cleaning Lady to Do

Additionally, you’ll want to communicate to your cleaning service your priorities and any pet peeves. “You should explain that you never want water on your wood floors,” Bates adds.

Additionally, it’s advisable to consider the optimum day for your cleaning service to visit.

“While many people like cleaning services to come on Fridays, I prefer Mondays,” Bates explains. “Every weekend, I host a million children, and if I can start the week with a clean house, that’s a game-changer. However, if I hire someone on a Friday and the kids make a mess over the weekend, I may feel that it was a waste of money by Monday.”

And, as everyone who has ever hired a cleaning service will tell you, how you feel about the money is the best indicator of whether the cleaning service was worth it. If you regret spending the money within hours or days (especially if this is the case after the second and third time), a cleaning service is not for you. However, it is undoubtedly money well spent if your house and your head are free of cobwebs.

About Tamash

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