Belle Isle is a 54-acre island located in Richmond, Virginia. Belle Island is located in the James River and is owned by the city. It is used as a city park. It is accessible to pedestrians and cyclists through a suspension footbridge running under the Robert E. Lee Memorial Bridge from the northern bank or a wooden bridge from the southern shore. Except when the James is high in the water, it is also accessible by foot from the southern side through straightforward boulder-hopping. The Hollywood Cemetery, the historic Tredegar Iron Works, and the Richmond City skyline can all be seen from Belle Isle. There are numerous bike trails on Belle Isle, as well as a small cliff used for rock climbing training. Are you looking for cleaning services? Before visiting Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden read more about it in another post. Contact V and W cleaning provides its services in Richmond, Va. You can contact us at 804-315-9573.

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